
Brainport region organizes cycling lessons for expats and international students

Published on September 9, 2024

Cycling stands for freedom, convenience and sustainability. But for newcomers, cycling in busy Dutch traffic can be quite a challenge. To help them get on the road safely and confidently, Brainport Bereikbaar is launching the Brainport Bike School. There, expats and international students learn to cycle like a local in just a few lessons.

Cycling like a local

The Brainport Bike School is specifically designed to give participants the skills and confidence to cycle safely in Dutch traffic. A pilot phase to test the course will start on 19 September. The course consists of carefully composed modules. In the first module, participants learn the basics of cycling on a quiet route. In the second module, they practice in the city to gain more confidence on the busy Dutch cycle paths. Beforehand, participants receive a short theory lesson on the most important traffic rules and safety measures.

Collaboration for success

The course is made possible by the collaboration between Brainport Bereikbaar, ASML, Fontys and TU/e. Together they are committed to offering expats and international students a safe and pleasant cycling experience and thereby improving their integration and mobility in the region.


Expats and international students can easily register for the course via their employer or educational institution. Companies in the Brainport region that want to offer the Brainport Bike School for their employees are also welcome to register and facilitate the lessons.

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