Smart and innovative

“Mobility scan: a great start for your mobility policy”

Published on May 17, 2023

As a supplier of car parts, encourage the use of bicycles? Of course! For Geevers Auto Parts, it is part of good employment practices and sustainable corporate responsibility. Jessica MeVisen explains why here. 

“A company does not stand alone. That is why we look beyond our own interests. We also want to contribute to the vitality of our people, to a healthy and safe environment and to good accessibility of Veldhoven, explains Jessica Mevangen. 'That starts with our own mobility solutions. The Brabant Mobility Network and Brainport Bereikbaar help us with this.”

From scan to plan

For example, in 2022, BMN (Brabant Mobility Network) carried out a mobility scan for Geevers. “A great start for our mobility policy, because it gave us valuable insights. It turned out that many employees could theoretically come to our location by bicycle. BMN and the leasing company then helped us create a bicycle plan with lease bicycles. We think it's great that we are making an e-bike financially feasible for all our employees.”

Get to work faster

Geevers launched the bicycle plan in October 2022. At the same time, an e-bike trial campaign was launched from Brainport Bereikbaar. 'This allowed employees to try an e-bike for free for a week. For example, several employees discovered that they could get to the office faster with an electric bicycle. Like Sanne, who took less time to travel 4.4 kilometers from home to work with an electric cargo bike. She now has a cargo bike through the leasing scheme and enjoys it to the fullest. Just like her children.'

Last obstacles removed

Geevers continues to promote the bicycle plan. 'We always explain the benefits: in vitality, in cost savings and in preventing parking problems. We hope to at least double the number of employees who purchase and use a lease bicycle. That is why we are also going to expand our bicycle shed.' Jessica recommends everyone to look at other mobility solutions. 'BMN and Brainport Bereikbaar are available for every company in Veldhoven. Try it: it costs less and yields more than you might think!'

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