Travel behavior, Smart and innovative

Mobility as a Service pilot

Published on March 24, 2023

Via een app altijd het vervoermiddel vinden dat voor jou het gunstigste is. Qua kosten, maar ook qua tijdsduur, flexibiliteit én duurzaamheid. Hoe mooi is dat?! Maar welke app is het meest geschikt? Vandaag gaat Advocatenkantoor Goorts + Coppens erover in gesprek met twee aanbieders. Brainport Bereikbaar was erbij. Hopelijk is het de start van een mooie MaaS-pilot! 

A number of apps have now been developed for MaaS – or Mobility as a Service. You can plan, book and pay for all possible transport there. For example, the shared bicycle, car, scooter, train, tram, or (water) taxi. And even your own car or bicycle. But especially combinations. So that door-to-door travel is tailor-made and according to the wishes of the traveler.

This is not only good for the environment and accessibility in the region, it is also an attractive employment condition. Interesting, says Goorts + Coppens law firm. That is why they have signed up for a MaaS pilot in 2023. In that pilot, several employees will try out different MaaS apps for a few months. Brainport Bereikbaar made contact with several MaaS service providers for today's introductory meeting. Is there a suitable offer? The MaaS pilot for Goorts + Coppens will then start at the end of May/beginning of June. At the end of the year, Brainport Bereikbaar will evaluate the pilot together with Goorts + Coppens and provide advice on the follow-up.

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