Travel behavior

Reusel cycles for Duofietsen!

Published on September 11, 2024

It worked! In Reusel-De Mierden, cyclists cycled 60,000 kilometers together for charity: Duofietsen Reusel-de Mierden. And the Cycling Challenge of the Business Association Business Parks Reusel-De Mierden is also a success in another way. 'It shows that together we can achieve a lot locally', says Suzanne van Gompel of OVBRM.

At the end of the provincial road N284 you will find the municipality of Reusel-de Mierden. 'That is a busy road that is getting busier and busier. Residents and people who work here have to endure that hustle and bustle. We can only do something about that if we work on it in unity', Suzanne van Gompel explains.

Nice incentive

The Business Association therefore started the cycling challenge. 'With the challenge, we invited everyone in the municipality to take the bike more often during the campaign period. The local charity Duofietsen was a wonderful incentive: how great is it that by cycling yourself, you also give others the chance to cycle? Every kilometre cycled was good for an amount for Duofietsen. Made possible by some of our members who sponsor the campaigns. The role of our member Dirkx Bikeshop is also very nice. Through our campaign, they gave people the chance to try an e-bike or Speed Pedelec for free for a week.'

Get started quickly

The cycling challenge fits in with the goals of the OVBRM. Suzanne: 'As an association, we want to make a positive contribution to the business and living environment in all kinds of ways. We regularly contact our local and regional partners, such as the municipalities and Brainport Bereikbaar. We asked mobility broker Jos Wijnen: "what is possible in the field of mobility?". Other actions and plans will certainly emerge from that, but with this Cycling Challenge we were able to get started quickly. Brainport Bereikbaar had already developed the handy free Sjees-App, we arranged the communication. For employees of affiliated companies and for all residents. Because everyone can participate.'

Check during bike tour

The OVBRM is happy with the challenge. 'It shows that we can make great strides in stimulating awareness that we can all contribute to our environment. For example, we know that mobility has become much more of a topic of conversation among our members because of the challenge. And of course it is also great that the goal of 60,000 kilometers has been achieved. On September 26, there will be a bike ride for our members. Then we will also plan a moment to hand over the check!'

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