Travel behavior

Time saving on the bike between Helmond and Eindhoven

Published on June 13, 2024

Helmond, June 10, 2024 – With the unveiling of a life-size cartoon, the F270 fast cycle route will be officially opened on Wednesday afternoon, June 12. The fast cycle route connects Helmond and Eindhoven over a route of 13.7 kilometers, largely parallel to the railway.

The route leads from the center of Eindhoven via the Eeneind hamlet directly to the center of Helmond. A crucial new part of the fast cycle route, between Eeneind (Nuenen) and Vaarleseweg (Geldrop-Mierlo/Helmond border), will be officially put into use on Wednesday. Helmond councilor Arno Bonte (mobility), who is also chairman of the administrative steering group, is extremely pleased. 'This fast cycle path provides cyclists with a time saving of up to 10 minutes between Helmond and Eindhoven. This makes it a lot more attractive to cycle to work.'


Alderman Sandor Löwik van Nuenen and deputy Stijn Smeulders from the province of North Brabant will also be present at the opening on Wednesday. Together they unveil four large panels at the bridge over the Hooidonkse Beek. These panels depict the fast cycle route and the beautiful locations along the route.

Brabant accessible

“Cycling is healthy, fun and helps us to keep Brabant accessible,” says deputy Stijn Smeulders (mobility). “That is why as a province we are fully committed to a large network of fast cycle routes. This F270 is a good example of this. We know from research that 1 in 5 users of a fast cycle route previously used the car or public transport for the same route. This alone yields enormous benefits in the fight against traffic jams.”

After the opening, the vast majority of the F270 will be ready. Only a small piece is still missing near the Dommeldal. This part is also expected to be completed by 2027 at the latest. Until then, a diversion will apply on this short stretch, where measures are being taken to make the route safer and more attractive for cyclists.

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