Travel behavior

Inner city deal Eindhoven. Time for the first actions!

Published on December 7, 2022

Zie, the Eindhoven City Center Deal has been signed. But now? Now the real work begins. And there is a lot to do. Also when it comes to mobility and accessibility. The first action? Cultural institutions will promote public transport more. Read here what else is planned.

In any case, the Inner City Eindhoven Foundation (SBE), the Basic Cultural Infrastructure, city marketing organization Eindhoven365, NS, Hermes OV and the municipality of Eindhoven will be working on this over the next two years. Together they want to prepare the city center of Eindhoven for the future. Greener, with less traffic, larger terraces and more space for art and culture. Together they determine the priorities.

First concrete action

Brainport Bereikbaar is the driving force for the mobility component. Our mobility broker Jan Waalen initiates and facilitates, brings parties together and monitors the progress of actions. For example, he was closely involved in the first concrete action: cultural institutions in Eindhoven will promote public transport more. Too often they give their visitors more information about parking than about public transport options. Together with NS and Hermes OV, they take up the challenge to improve their accessibility information on their websites.

And then: zero emissions, accessibility platform, bicycle sheds

But there's more. For example, not all entrepreneurs are well prepared for the zero-emission zone that will start in 2025. Brainport Bereikbaar will work with them to ensure that supplies, parcel services and return flows fall within the legal requirements. Various parties will also be working on an accessibility platform: one online and up-to-date platform where everyone can find good travel advice to Eindhoven. With all information about public transport services, events, activities and alternative forms of mobility. Like the bicycle. And something still needs to be done for this: sufficient, comfortable and safe bicycle sheds in the right locations, more cycle paths and extensive cycling promotion. We will keep you informed!

Ambitions in the field of accessibility and mobility

  1. We receive all our visitors, employees and residents hospitably. The journey is part of the positive experience of a visit to the center.
  2. We make the center a pleasant place to stay for visitors, employees and residents. On balance, the number of cars driving through the center must therefore decrease despite the construction of homes, work locations and facilities.
  3. “While we are building the city, we invest in a positive experience of travel and accommodation.” We use the temporary situation during road and construction works and events to test behavioral interventions.
  4. “We ensure that our visitors, employees and residents can breathe clean air.” We aim for emission-free traffic in the center by 2030.
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